Too much of a good thing

By Anonymous - 29/03/2020 03:00

Today, I finally found a job as a secretary for a small film studio. The sets are in a soundproofed part of the building, but not for the typical reasons. Right through the wall is a pornography studio. It's all I'll hear from 8 to 5 every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 539
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Itsheragain 9

oh lord...i can imagine the shit you hear...i always gotta skip the intro cos its corny.😂

If the sets are soundproofed, how will you be hearing it all day?


Who the **** makes **** at 8 in the morning? I'll bet it's not good normal MILF stuff but weird fetish crap, like coffee or bacon ****!

LadyRen 20

Food **** does exist, for those odd people who like bacon ****.

I'm sure it does. I'm just guessing there's sub-genres of breakfast staple ****, but I dare not go down that rabbit hole!

Itsheragain 9

oh lord...i can imagine the shit you hear...i always gotta skip the intro cos its corny.😂

Yeah, the "acting" is so terrible, you could almost lose your boner.

Marcella1016 31

Am I weird for kind of liking the setups? Corny and awesome 😂😂

You are, but we all have our kinks, don't we?😂😂😂

xaonng 5

sounds like you need to make your own. one less corny lol

bloopaloop 27

Have you ever masterbated at your desk?

If the sets are soundproofed, how will you be hearing it all day?

I imagine OP works at the entrance and the studio is another room.

And? If the sets are soundproof she shouldn’t be able to hear what’s happening on the sets.

Ew.. might want to start looking for another job, it's only a matter of time before they ask if you can fill in for an actress that didn't show up.

WistayShlaio82 13

Sorry, I was a camera man for a couple years filming ****. Nothing “cool” ever happen to me while I was there. I’m still a virgin. My face kept me that way.