By Anonymous - 05/04/2013 16:26 - United States

Today, while working the drive-through, a woman ordered a large coffee with four creams. I handed her the coffee, and she took a sip. She then hurled it at me, screaming, "I said four creams, not five!" and sped off, leaving me drenched in hot coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 983
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Get her tag from the cameras, that's assault and battery.

Wow what a bitch. I used to work drive thru, I know your pain :(


That must have been scalding! That is awful! I hope you get compensation. Depending on how bad it could count as being injured at work..?

And this is when you get her license number, and sue her because you will probably have burns. Fyl because people are idiots and think that the crap they do won't get them in trouble

70, no please feel free to serve 66 at your place of business. But when they get stupid and throw the coffee, you pour a whole pipping hot coffee pot over their head. Or put have a local patron beat the crap out of them.

alexstyles 1

Probably a prank for YouTube

Wow I really hope you were able to get somekind of vehicle description and called the police. What she did is assault, and you probably aren't the first, or last person she's done that to. Imagine what she does to her family/significant other.

What a bitch. I'm so sorry. I think she planned on doing that.

This is why I don't work in a fast food restaurant anymore, too many customers treat you like this and think it's ok because "they're stupid".

Omg i do drive thru and if that happened i'd quit immediately lol i've had so many ignorant people but no one that bad

i carry a tazer around for just this occasion.. would i be fired and probably spend some time in jail.. yes... would it be worth it.. definatly... id use my .45.. but murder gets you alot more jail time :(

Maybe shell like it better if the cream was actually sperm.