By Anonymous - 05/04/2013 16:26 - United States

Today, while working the drive-through, a woman ordered a large coffee with four creams. I handed her the coffee, and she took a sip. She then hurled it at me, screaming, "I said four creams, not five!" and sped off, leaving me drenched in hot coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 983
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Get her tag from the cameras, that's assault and battery.

Wow what a bitch. I used to work drive thru, I know your pain :(


Bunny21 11

Some people are just damn rude.

Well you shouldn't have put 5 cream in it.

#60: So what you're saying is: throwing hot coffee at a person is a perfectly acceptable reaction to a small mistake, and OP deserved to be physically harmed for putting a little extra cream in the coffee... you really think this woman's violent action was Can't tell if trolling or just stupid.

if u happen to remember her licence plate number, either use that to find her to call the cops and and give them the plate number so u can sue her assault cus throwing hot liquid can be damaging.

shyeahh_fml 19

66 - How can someone tell the difference that precisely? I'd agree with your first statement--she must have planned it.

Megan639 16

Sometimes I want to kill people.

still_guns 16

Sounds like a new version of coning

66 remind me never to serve you if I work at a drive-thru.

the great thing about the law nowadays is that you can sue them for assault. most drive-thru's have cameras now for things like this