By newswithabitofbite - 28/08/2014 10:31 - Australia - Richmond

Today, while walking to work, I found out what it feels like to be hit in the face by a rolled up newspaper thrown from the window of a moving car by a paper boy doing his rounds. It hit hard enough to give me a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 857
You deserved it 3 225

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you didn't need to read the headlines. You got to experience them.


PoisonOrchid 21

You gotta come up with a better story than that when you tell your coworkers and friends... You could always borrow Det. Greenley's theory about the Russians in the alley... "Say these two guys right here, they don't even know the ******' huge guy. They're just staggering home from a bar still all ****** up from St. Patty's last night. They decide to take a shortcut down through the alley. Wrong ******' alley, huh?"

Tell that guy that he's been playing too much PaperBoy.

randomguy76 14

They still have paper boys?? Lol where have i been

cadillacgal79 32

I've heard of hard hitting news but this is ridiculous! (Sorry, I'll go back in my corner now )

Ouch! Sorry OP. Look ahead to better things to come

Gives a new meaning to (bad) news travels fast

You can always contact the newspaper office and get that (presumably) "kid" fired ;)