By Anon - 08/04/2013 22:04 - United States - Bowling Green

Today, while walking to my car after work, I witnessed some moron who was texting while riding her bike running right into my parked car, resulting in a broken side mirror, a damaged windshield, two dents, and for her, a broken phone and nose. She's threatening to sue me for damages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 981
You deserved it 2 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm pretty sure her brain damages were there from before.

No problem. If she wants to sue you, then that means you can get her personal information and sue her for the damages she caused to your car.


I'd of had to laugh in her face and say, "Please try, genius."

Just tell her to " bring it on, bitch." Then sue her for damages.

Counter sue her. I'm sure you'll win.

Please tell me there were surveillance cameras nearby. People like that piss me off. There is no excuse for texting while driving, even if your vehicle is a bike. Hell, that's even more dangerous, because it offers less protection than the inside of a car. And she dares threaten to sue you for damages that she herself caused? Bullshit! Counter-sue her ass! And please, check for security cameras.

PonyTails13 3

hope there were other witnesses

GrandpaSmith 4

I understand this in part. I did that at age 9, biking while reading the newspaper in the rain. (I am 59 now.). There were no witnesses to my stupidity, so unlike this girl, I decided against creating any. As she apparently enjoys telling the world that she is an idiot, I hope you can keep a straight face in public.

Your point of impact supports your version. Try to get the surveillance from the parking structure- sometimes they'll give it to you, sometimes they won't. Worse comes to worse it'll be your word versus hers due to a lack of witnesses.