By tryandtryagain - 28/04/2011 04:04 - United Kingdom

Today, while waiting on tables at work, I was carrying a glass of red wine when I lost balance and spilt it everywhere. After cleaning the floor and myself up and after refilling a new glass, I did exactly the same thing again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 476
You deserved it 29 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

looks like this job isn't meant for you

ImThePope 2

Everybody has those days, just...... maybe not as bad as that. Hopefully you gave your co-employees a good laugh? ;D


marissakmnn 0

it'd be okay if it was your first day, but yeah everybody has those days.

Maybe you should stop drinking half the wine before you give it to the customer.

at least you didn't spill on customers

amanna7 0

maybe you jus shouldn't be an idiot an pay attention so it doesn't happen again..?

melibear89 7

show were trying to show off and tripped twice in the process? otherwise you need to learn how to walk. my guess there was a hot guy that you forgot to mention in the FML

Erindub 0

Maybe you ought to consider a new gig

GirlTeddy 0

that sucks ass. did you call the cops!?? I would have

endora914 0

Stop drinking at work. a little wine for me a little for the sauce only works if your the chef.