By Username - 13/12/2010 18:10 - United States

Today, while taking a shower, I was enthusiastically singing one of my favorite songs. When I got out, I noticed a bunch of things missing, and a note on my desk saying "shut the f*ck up, you suck." I was robbed and judged by a thief. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 079
You deserved it 4 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fortuitous 0

That thief stole the shit from the mother in Belgium, too! Everything is linked, kids.

More people need to receive notes like these.


Kevinx103 0


Today, I was robbing a house, one of my favorite pastimes. While I was caught up in the moment i heard a horrendous sound. It made my ears blister and bleed. FML.

xspaniardx 3

Well he wanted you to know that you suck, at least he is honest right? haha That sucks OP!

he actually had time for a note, damn he's good!

You were burgularized by a mean ass honest ninja, it's actually something to be proud of.

sounds like Simon Cowell and Buddy the Elf teamed up in a new robbery scheme.

schwiggidy 0

Well, now you've got an alarm system...

Jessephine 0

look on the bright side,you still can use the note as an evidence

hmmm. I sure know if I was robbing a place I'd want quiet. so it's sorta understandable, but then again how long were you in the damn shower for if he managed to rob you

andyford 0

That's got to be the worst thing I've heard so far this week.