By kyla - 24/04/2011 05:56 - United States

Today, while shopping at American Eagle, I found the same "$1,500" wedding ring my fiancé proposed to me with, marked on sale for $10.95. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 071
You deserved it 9 600

Same thing different taste


Crazy4Christ 0

ok, so how'd it marked down that much!? at least u got a hubby?!

I doubt it is the same ring. that's too much of a markdown.

sarah_cheverie 0

might not even be the same ring, sheesh

SadikOnuska 0

Wow, what a jackass. He went cheap when confessing to you that he wants to be with you for eternity. (Heavy Sarcasm)

Wow, shows how much your worth as if. I'd be so heart broken. :/

we are in a recession. be happy that you are able to afford a wedding.

bonacca 2

he should have made one using copper wire...