By rockyrocket - 26/04/2011 19:19 - Canada
rockyrocket tells us more.
hey guys, I didn't have room to write this in my post, but I was visiting another town 60 minutes away from mine, so I couldn't just go home and wait, and the office was closed that day so I couldn't wait there bebcause no one would be there until the orthodontist arrived. So I was pretty much out of luck :p
Top comments
dental crossbow..?
im lucky i had braces and rubberbands but spacers expanders, they all suck. good luck, op. i hope you dont have them on long...
dude she has a crossbow in her mouth, how can that suck. is there a button in her mouth you have to press with your toung or something? and if the spring broke then why didn't you get a bolt through the lip?
Not as badass as my dental catapult.
60&59, I officially love you both. *presses metaphorical like button*
definitely, bro. I am down with that, bro.
om nom nom!! XD
Home made or KD?
Totally ******* homemade.
Yea wht is that
Not at all! I died laughing
Sorry this to funny now people looking at me funny as I struggle for breath
That is funnier than the post itself
Your picture makes it funnier XD
And the number of comments he's made, 69 :D
open wide ! ;)
nice avenged sevenfold nightmare album cover xD
HA I was thinking the same thing #2
there's nothing nice about a7x. Bullet all the way baby!!!!
How many flies did you swallow?
Yeah, on the bright side, at least OP doesn't drive a motorcycle.
I wish I was there to see that. Too funny!!!
Speaking of pictures I wonder if people took pictures of it. That would be funny. Not to OP but to everyone else.
lol haja 6 I got a mental picture too.. that would be hilarious to see in person
The mental picture I got from this fml was of that omg kitty.
lmao. I was thinking the same thing. my boyfriend said I was retarded.
Ouch! I probably would have gone home.
lmao i seriously laughed out loud at the mental image this gave me=D haha now my dads looking at me like IM the phychopath =)
*psychopath you're almost as bad as the people who say "physco".
Cause those people are soooo terrible... -_-
physco, like fisco?
how many psychopaths walk around with their mouth open?
I do that all the time.
Don't tell me you haven't seen any! where have you been, locked up in the bathroom?!

Not as badass as my dental catapult.
dental crossbow..?