By damgoose - 15/06/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, while I was working in the liquor store, I was trying to impress my hot boss by lifting three cases of Grey goose. Turns out I can't, and I'll be working for the next two months of the rest of my summer paying it all back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 859
You deserved it 62 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

..because lifting alcohol makes you seem cool

Way to go... Use your brain next time, not muscles ;)


YDI for not even being able to lift 3 cases of grey goose, seriously cases of alcohol are not that heavy

No, #52- they saw "impress" & "hot boss" thats why they clicked YDI. Even if he was going for efficiency, he still failed....

yati 0

Hey are you serious about the part ? which you said "...and I'll be working for the next two months of the rest of my summer paying it all back. " ? Because that is not how it usually works. I am a Cashier, I broke a brand new laptop worth $800.00. Make sure you go through all the forms you signed in the starting.

girlygirl666 0

# 32-Hahahaha, you're Hilarious OP- yeah Dumbass

token_blackguy 18
BrutalDave 0

I highly doubt you broke a case of grey goose; those bottles are damn thick.

greenltrn2003 0

I kno the feeling...I used to work at a liquor store only my boss wasnt hot and I could lift 3boxes of grey goose I was 18 too...u need to work out more oh YDI and #6 stfu

"I was trying to impress" YDI x a million