By ditzen - 07/12/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I went to pick up my paycheck at the convenience store I work at. While there, two frat boys came in and bought seventeen 30 packs of beer. That comes to about $300. They spent more at the store in one day than I get paid in two weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 759
You deserved it 4 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its really easy to make money if you're throwing a party. Watch this: $300 for 510 beers = $0.588 per beer. Average person at a party drinks about 5 beers or so, but for conservative estimates' sake, call it 6. That's $3.52 worth of beer per person at the party, which you can charge $5 at the door to get in. $5 - $3.52 = $1.48 profit per person, multiplied by 85 people at the party (510 beers / 6 beers per person), gives you a net income for the night of $125.80, and said party can be held 3 nights a week (Thursday - Saturday), giving you a weekly income of $377.40, which is higher than you make. Go to college, learn math, make friends, and you too can figure out how to make more than $300 per week.

Bro they were having a party or stocking up. I doubt that the money to buy that beer came from two dudes. If you get upset by the fact that people spend money to have a party, man I dunno what to say.


This isn't a FML at all. If you're that upset that your job is so shitty, go get a better one.

Fmyspam 0

Maybe he's in college and can't get another job?

but they just resold it at a party by the can for profit. or had a door charge of like five bucks.

I was going to suggest that it was probably money from the frat house rather than their own personal stash. Dues to be in a frat usually run in the $1000s and that money goes to pay for socials, house upkeep/mortgage, etc.

Way to positive... You should just say, SUCK IT UP OR GET A NEW JOB

Because then it would be like $500? And it probably wasn't just them buying it... Even if it was just the two paying for it, that's only $150 each... And it was probably for a party or something where a lot of people payed them.

darkblue_13 0

well it was probably the fraternity's money, not out of their pocket. Should have asked when the party was and had some fun instead of bitching...

palmtrees 1

This - they're buying for the house, not just for themselves, and they're using the house's money. Get over it.

imeverywhere 0

yea. They probably didnt split it between the the two of them. "ok ill pay 150 and u pay 150." you said frat boys right? at the party people chip in for beer. if 30 people came (a pretty good sized party) and they each chipped in only 10 bucks then it would all even. they probably got a few people in charge of getting the weed too. then they can sell it all at the party for a good idea. but have you people ever been to a party? whats with all the hate with people say "oh lets hope they get alcohol poisoning or choke on it" looks like some of you might have some personal issues you might need to deal with. just cuz people have fun doing things and you dont doesnt mean you have to hate them for it.

bobsanction 18

Bro they were having a party or stocking up. I doubt that the money to buy that beer came from two dudes. If you get upset by the fact that people spend money to have a party, man I dunno what to say.

Hmmm dont know if I would declare this an FML but that is unfortunate nonetheless. Hopefully they drink themselves to death.

spiderman0606 0