By Anonymous - 19/07/2011 18:03 - United States

Today, whenever I do something that the kid I am babysitting likes, he pats me on the head and says "good girl". I'm whipped by a seven year old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 537
You deserved it 8 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Y.L.S!!!!! lol that kid should get a flick in the nose or hit with a newspaper for "disrespecting authority"

pepsilove_fml 4

awww for some strange reason I find this to be veryyy cutee!! x)

emmame223 4

that's okay I'm whipped by the 9 year old I babysit he calls me a cheesepuff all day dunno why but it's his favorite word but he uses it as an explicative I get kiddy cursed out at 19 and just now apparently I'm now a son of a toaster waffle

ArielTheMermaid 17

he's 7. he's having fun. shut up.

I think you make a good pet, maybe he'll name, "Princess".

il3160 2

ever wonder if he'd bitch slap u if u did something he didnt like

Man what a pimp I wouldnt let him make u his bitch...

Be happy. I tend to get slapped my seven year olds.

I'm nobody's bitch. I'd spank his ass.