By TheRoad42 - 20/08/2013 12:54 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, when I got back to my dorm, I found a trail of ants trying to shove a dead roach into a power outlet. The front desk insists that there is no pest problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 735
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't you know roaches are what power the outlets? And the ants are the only things small enough to install them into the outlets for you??

Well, that's a bit odd... looks like to me ants are living in the walls and you got roaches also... have an exterminator come in by your own means or show them a pic of what's going on...


Well, that's a bit odd... looks like to me ants are living in the walls and you got roaches also... have an exterminator come in by your own means or show them a pic of what's going on...

CallMeMcFeelii 13

**** exterminators. My buddy lived in some crack den like place and the roaches were huge. We dealt with em with a bottle of axe body spray and a lighter. I am not recommending this..or am I liable for your dorm catching fire, but it sure is fun.

At least the ants are taking care of the roaches.... Both are awful to have, roaches are worse in my opinion though.

Sod pictures, if I were OP I'd bag a few up and dump 'em on the front desk. Difficult to ignore something that's crawling across your workspace.

Can't you all see? The roach committed a crime! They're giving him the electric chair!

Didn't you know roaches are what power the outlets? And the ants are the only things small enough to install them into the outlets for you??

nikenico14 12

Thats not good, or is it?!?!?!?

AboveAll04 14

#3 you should give me your account name and password so I can delete your profile.

And the Oscar goes to.... #53 for most dramatic performance . Seriously, if you disagree with a comment there's a button for that. There's no need for the theatrics.

TheCutestLizard 28

I just threw up a little. FYL OP!

Do you vomit every time you see a fly buzzing by, too?

Don't worry about it, OP. The ants have assembled under your command and are taking out the enemy roaches one by one.

Try cleaning up the place a little more thoroughly. Don't leave your food laying around and the bugs should disappear. If that doesn't work have professional help like an exterminator.

If it's an apartment/dorm though, even if you clean up your own mess, many other people could still cause an issue.

I'd call someone higher up than the front desk. Sounds like someone is just being lazy and doesn't want to bother calling. Might want to provide documentation for proof as well.

skyeyez9 24

When I lived in florida, I learned that cockroaches can fly. I had one in my house, even my fearless australian cattle dog who would normally kill a bug when he sees one, was freaked out.

yeah those are the palmetto bugs, theyre pretty nasty

This when you make up some sugar solution and spray a trail all the way down to reception. I'd spray extra thoroughly on the receptionists chair too!

You clever, nasty little thing. You'd make a great April Fools planner.