By BeatByA9yrold - 12/04/2014 19:59 - Canada - Red Deer

Today, my girlfriend's little brother challenged me to a water gun fight. I accepted, not knowing he was going to fill his gun with vinegar, then shoot me in the eyes with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 703
You deserved it 4 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him ur gonna get revenge so bad he won't believe it then don't do anything. Him living in fear would be everything u would need to get him back.

That would be rated R... For R Kelly.


There is no playing fair at this point, you have to get even in this equation.

lexi365 20

OP should get a paintball gun or something. Even up the score.

Put alcohol in the gun and shoot the ******! It won't be so funny anymore.

Depending on the kind of alcohol this could get interesting.

I thought he was talking about rubbing alcohol, since it looks like water but can burn

Tell him ur gonna get revenge so bad he won't believe it then don't do anything. Him living in fear would be everything u would need to get him back.

Psychological warfare? I like the way you think.

Indianboy9321 25

Taking the Family Guy approach, where Brian won't tell Stewie when "his revenge" is coming. Just don't push your girlfriend's little brother into a bus!

callmefireman 7

That would be rated R... For R Kelly.

Fill it with vinegar with black pepper.. And have fun

cryssycakesx3 22

and a little oil and have a dressing.

Add some chili powder to whatever you want to put in the gun, and have fun >:)

Fill yours with gasoline and hold a lighter in front. That'll show the little brat.

Yeah and it could quite possibly explode in Op's hands, what a FABULOUS idea.