By TheRoad42 - 20/08/2013 12:54 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, when I got back to my dorm, I found a trail of ants trying to shove a dead roach into a power outlet. The front desk insists that there is no pest problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 717
You deserved it 2 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Didn't you know roaches are what power the outlets? And the ants are the only things small enough to install them into the outlets for you??

Well, that's a bit odd... looks like to me ants are living in the walls and you got roaches also... have an exterminator come in by your own means or show them a pic of what's going on...


That's why I don't mind some bugs, they take care of the roaches which are far worst then anything else. Ants can be taken care of fairly easily.

Those ants seem pretty good to me. They show so much teamwork and camaraderie in trying to bring home the meal. The Motherland would be proud of that communal effort.

KinkyCurly 13

I feel your pain. At my last apartment we had everything from mice to black widows, and the management would do nothing about it. But you can- get sticky traps from Walmart (like a pack of four for two bucks) and lay them around the problem places. It should help. And you can wait it out until your contract ends and move out like I did or get legal details brought into it making the dorms do something about it. Either way you have the power to at least try and change your situation

The fact that you lived with black widows is one of the scariest things I've ever read. I'm terrified of spiders but that one scares me the most. That's what happens when you learn about spiders via. Discovery channel.

Yah the worst part is that we put up those sticky traps to catch them- which they really did work. They caught everything. The mice, all kinds of bugs and spiders. But one day I looked in and a black widow was in there but it wasn't stuck, it had made a web and was living in it.

ViviMage 38

Aww, come on now!! Tell me you never bad fried roach before! I hear its buttery and goes well with garlic! The ants are culinary geniuses!

Jst4kicks 16

I feel you, ppl at the front desks are a** holes.. my room wont lock and its been days that i asked to have it fixed

I used to be an RA. Take pictures. Seriously. If there's no photographic proof, a university or college will pretend it didn't happen. Show them pictures and they'll jump in because they want to avoid any public "scandal".