By DUMMIE - 04/03/2010 00:07 - United States

Today, we were working with infant and adult CPR dummies. After practising flawless CPR on the adult dummy, I announced "And that's how you save someone." Then I tripped on the baby dummy and fell. My co-worker stood up and yelled out, "And that's how you kill a baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 641
You deserved it 30 300

Same thing different taste


at least they can tell the difference.

That is absolutely hilarious!! ahaha sounds like something my friends would do to me. ahaha

saltypirate 0

This P.O.S. story gets posted but none of my real extremely embarrassing stories don't?!?!?!

jdawg2010 0

you spelled practicing wrong, dummie.

breannasauraus21 2