By accountingclown - 21/01/2017 00:23

Today, I travelled cross-country to interview for my dream job. The team seemed to love me and I had a lot of fun. In the airport on the way home I saw a news report that the company is closing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 757
You deserved it 601

Same thing different taste

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Hopefully it is only a certain branch of the company, and you were interviewing for a position in another part. I can't see why they would lead people on like that if their whole company is closing!

Check it out, get confirmation before moving either way. The news you saw might be incorrect or not the same company. Or it might be right...


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Not all companies post that information, for one. For another thing, it's not exactly most people's first thought to check and see if each place they're applying too might happen to be closing down. Please stop being ridiculous.

Check it out, get confirmation before moving either way. The news you saw might be incorrect or not the same company. Or it might be right...

Hopefully it is only a certain branch of the company, and you were interviewing for a position in another part. I can't see why they would lead people on like that if their whole company is closing!

cootiequeen4444 11

It sounds like maybe a lot of those people whom "seemed to love you" might have found out they will no longer have jobs soon. either that or they are the shitty type of company whom is shameless enough to fake prosperity until the news is literally choked out of them. in which maybe then working for them would not turn out as great as you initially though. or, like others may have suggested, it could have been a specific branch that closed..but I'm not sure that would be newsworthy unless it's an independent branch or spin off company where the company's name is identical except a "international" is added at the end or something. In any case, it could have been just a little worse. you could have been given the job, moved all the way across the country, be in a rent contract or have bought a new home only for the company to go under only a few days into your job. that would make it go from sobbing in the middle of the night in despair FML level to nervous breakdown while flailing around and crying hysterically because you have absolutely no idea what to do now FML level.

While the loss of the opportunity is sad, I would say that you had a lucky break. The alternative might have been to move across the country, work there for two weeks, and THEN find out they're closing. This could have been a whole lot worse for you.

why would they be hiring if they're closing. The news is a secondary source and should be interpreted with a grain of salt. If anything it could be a great job and good contacts until you can find a more permanent position.

some companies just do because of shitty management. I left a company once because I could see the department I worked in is going to fail eventually. They kept recruiting till the end (or the department) and ended up having freshly recruited people who just ended their notice periods at the old companies and learned that the department is being shut down on their first day of work...

I think it's employees who should be writing the FML

onceuponatime456 16

Call them to make sure the news was correct. Don't believe anything you see or hear about something or someone without checking it out.