By give me an F - 05/01/2014 16:16 - United Kingdom - Corby

Today, was my first day as a male cheerleader in an attempt to flirt. The girls were stronger than me and it's now my job to be thrown in the air by girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 682
You deserved it 37 516

Same thing different taste

Top comments

upallnight11 19

I'm pretty sure the only reason you're upset about this is because now you can't look up a girl's panties as she's getting lifted by you.


CeeCee_fml 16

No one is going to bring up the guy cheerleader from Bring It On? The one who lifted up the cheerleader and stuck his finger up her skirt? No? OK.

I'm confused, how does them lifting you in the air affect your ability to flirt with them? They are touching you right? Besides, course they would be stronger, you are new, while they are have practicing for ages...what did you expect? 0_o

skyeyez9 24

I picture a Mr Bean looking guy getting thrown by the cheerleaders.

Cheerleading is a sport and you must be fit!!! If you are a guy you should be able to lift an 120lb girl by yourself!!!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You'll get stronger as the year progresses.

I have been cheering for a year and I was weak as hell when I started you just gotta keep at ut

candybar55 1

I was a male cheerleader for three yrs and it was the best experience of my life. Keep at it, focus on technique, and learn to tumble. If u do it for you you'll feel much better about the whole thing.

Guy cheerleaders... Never made sense to me. People are already watching guys play the sport we want to see woman. Go tatas

You know that cheerleading is an actual sport though, right? As in, it's for the players, who want to do the sport, not for the audience. It's kinda sexist to expect that everyone doing the cheers are doing it for your entertainment, rather than their own enjoyment and physical fitness.

funturtle23 6