By Anonymous - 01/06/2013 20:50 - United States

Today, wanting to do something nice for my dad, I mowed the lawn. He grounded me for "emasculating" him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 008
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does that emasculate him? What a little bitch

Rocketgirl89 17

Parents are weird. They complain when you don't do any work around the house. Then they complain when you do.


"Quit your bitching and go make me a sandwich, dad!!"

TVKill3r 15

And now you have something to hang over his head when he asks you to do something. "What's that? You want me to do some chore? How do I know it wont "emasculate" you?"

catkat1988 17

You did a good thing, and your dad is an immature ass. I hate the stories in here involving parents who ground their kids for something relating to the parent's own feelings of insecurity - there was a story about a girl who had bought her mom a gift, but when the mother picked her up and demanded to know what was in her bag and she wouldn't show, the mother grounded her. Seriously. I'm not a fan of grounding, but it should at the very least be used in cases of actual bad behavior.

The **** is wrong with people these days?

ileenefudge 29

Unfortunately to many things to count :(

That's stupid. Sounds like your dad is a jerk. Guess you don't have to go out of your way to help around the house anymore.

3rdbass 9

Did he say "BWAAAH!" when he saw it?

Lol, work it to your advantage. Remind him of this every time he asks you to do a chore for him afterwards.

A real man can wear pink, cook, clean, and whatever else he feels like doing because a real man doesn't care what people say. Love me, hate me but at least get to know me before judging me, I'm not being an asshole just saying a man can do whatever without feeling like a bitch because honestly what's so bad about helping your woman out or being helped say thank you sweetheart and make everyone's day,

avapaige1234 19

By claiming that you emasculated him, he only proved that he's got no masculinity in the first place.