By I hate children - 18/08/2014 12:10 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, two children decided it would be fun to try to ding-dong-ditch me. I never answered the door as I saw them running away. They did it a couple of times before getting bored. That's when they decided it would be fun to come into my house instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 182
You deserved it 5 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments


My ex had an issue with this, he saw them running up and set the auto sprinklers on them, didn't try it at their house again

I hope U own a gun OP. Not to shoot them, but 2 scare some Jesus into those kids. Nothing quite like heAring a round chambered 2 make U realize the err of your ways.

Sad but true. I took a gun safety course

that's when you call the cops on the little bastards

Here a ending to your FML- As the kids came into the house they heard the shotgun being chambered. After messing their pants, the police came to take them away. Scare those bastards straight!

fuggotmuggot 14

this needs a follow if I am right how how I think this would have played out xD