By Rach - 08/08/2018 23:30

Today, I didn't put any makeup on my acne-ridden and newly sun-burnt face. Today was also the first time I've ever run into my crush outside of work, all while trying to parallel park in a car that hasn't been washed in 6 months. I hit the car behind me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 068
You deserved it 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry next time you see him you'll have your mask I mean makeup on he probably won't recognize ya 🤣🤣


Well if it was that would give her an excuse to trade info with him.

Don't worry next time you see him you'll have your mask I mean makeup on he probably won't recognize ya 🤣🤣

So much crushing going on: bumpers, zits, your chances with your crush...

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

He was gonna see ya without makeup sonner or later anyways if you two got serious...

Dragonmastergod 14

I'm confused about the car part. Who cares if it hasn't been washed in 6 months?