By Jo - 26/10/2009 03:14 - United States

Today, there was an earthquake. Good news: the only damage was a tree fell on some loser's car. Bad news: that loser was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 934
You deserved it 3 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that happened, FML would be boring. "Today, a dog ran into me. FML" rather than "Today, I was walking in the park when I was hit on the shin by a red ball. I was confused, until it was followed by an enormous German Shepherd dog going at top speed. FML" etc. Though, some people can go overboard with the words n stuff.

Calling yourself a loser won't help. You're one in a million!


YDI for being a bad driver...god's punishment will come! Seriously, I'm sorry...

Oh God yes, what hast thou done to the poor tree? SUFFER!!! GOD SMITE HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!.....Ok back to reality, if god really cared he wouldve made the Tree fall down on the car with him in it...your invisible man in the sky couldnt wait till then could he?? He just will have to settle with watching the OP pay the insurance bill....wait you got insurance right?

caticaticati 3

OP is a bad driver because a tree fell on the car she wasn't currently driving? I don't get it.

suaveneanderthal 0

Today a tree fell on my car FML. That is all you had to say OP don't try to be clever by putting us through the suspense of reading on to find out who the loser is, we all know its you, especially since you went through the trouble to try and be funny. Seriously next time keep it short and simple we read these things for what happened not how funny or ironic you can make it sound.

If that happened, FML would be boring. "Today, a dog ran into me. FML" rather than "Today, I was walking in the park when I was hit on the shin by a red ball. I was confused, until it was followed by an enormous German Shepherd dog going at top speed. FML" etc. Though, some people can go overboard with the words n stuff.

Calling yourself a loser won't help. You're one in a million!

skullbashd 3

so. if its one in a million hes lucky?

LOL that means there are several people like him in the 8 billion population.

Atleast you realize your a loser. That's way more than you can say for most losers. Self awareness is the first step to getting better! ;)

Its ok material items shouldnt weigh u down luckily ur safe(obviously cus ur writin this post) but that should be the only thing that matters

Teecuppit3a 0

I call fake. I live in California. When the **** was there an earthquake big enough to make a tree fall in the near past? wtf.

Could've happened years ago and someone just found the site and posted it.

Teecuppit3a 0

Like when? 2003? That's when the last big earthquake was. If it happened that long ago, why bother posting it?

Idk, they thought it was an interesting story? Hell if I know.

Yeah. I live in California too and I call totally fake. Unless this happened in 1989, this didn't happen. Or that was the weakest tree ever and it fell over during an (at the most 4.0) earthquake.

I'm with you... We haven't had over a 4 in a long time. The strongest I remember was almost half a year ago (if not longer) and that was no more than a 4.2..... not enough to topple a tree. Just enough for everyone to look up and say oh, was that an earthquake?

Ouch that's harsh! It's the sort of thing that you always think would happen to someone else - 'til it happens to you

It could've been when she lived in a different state. geez quit being so jumpy just because it says they're from cali. these sort of things happen FMyLife's comments policy •Don't post any comments which comment on the validity of an FML (screaming Fake for example), or even on whether the FML deserves to be on the website. Don't ruin the website for the other users. follow the rules please. Thanks :)

Hey just curious - where did you find the info about the comments policy?

Down at the bottom where you make the comment, right under "spill the beans!" is a link saying "our rules". Click.

electroboy_fml 0

Yeah. No one ever seems to read them.

LOL are you calling your self a loser? Or someone else?