By fuckmyparents - 25/01/2019 00:00

Today, the school I applied to work for told me they were not going to schedule an interview. Why? Because they think my papers and name are fake. My name is Seymour Skinner. I’m not joking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 800
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

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Go to the institution. Walk into the office with your id in hand and a copy of whatever letter/email they sent you. Slap your id down on the desk and say "im Seymour Skinner and i wanna see whoever the ***** in charge around here" then when you get to talk to said person call them out for disrespecting you for by calling your name fake. They may apologize and give you an interview if your lucky. good luck op.


Go to the institution. Walk into the office with your id in hand and a copy of whatever letter/email they sent you. Slap your id down on the desk and say "im Seymour Skinner and i wanna see whoever the ***** in charge around here" then when you get to talk to said person call them out for disrespecting you for by calling your name fake. They may apologize and give you an interview if your lucky. good luck op.

sparx1_1 12

No one is going to hire you after an asshole reaction like that.

But if that was me, I'd go to the school, ask for the head, and been like "Hey, so someone thought I had a fake name, and I'd like to provide some ID to show that it isn't fake, blah, blah, blah"

You're upset because you have the same name as a Simpson character? Don't have a cow man!

Please tell me the job was for principal!

7and7is 20

His name is W. Seymour Skinner. YLS.

sparx1_1 12

I clicked YDI because there is nothing stopping you from using your middle name or a nickname on a job application. They only need your proper name from your ID for the hiring paperwork.

Go to the courthouse and change it. Before working at a school. If you think growing up with that name was bad, imagine how much worse it’s going to be at your job. Your future balled up on the bathroom floor crying self will thank you for it.

PenguinPal3017 19

No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.

PenguinPal3017 19

Buttlicker! Our prices have never been lower!