By stilljobless - 21/05/2015 02:49 - United States - Willimantic

Today, I got a call from a really great company that I applied to work for, asking me to come in for an interview. When I went in, they had no appointment scheduled and no idea who I was. It turned out it was all a prank by my brother and his friends. My brother is 30. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 545
You deserved it 2 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should of made the most of the moment and taken the opportunity to ask if they had any vacant positions and been able to present your resume in person with the hiring manager. You never know what might happen

You should pretend that you got the job and thank him for it :)


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No not when you are 30 years old. Pranks are childish

Exactly. Pranks are lighthearted fun. I wasn't condoning this one in particular, but saying that the "my brother is 30" portion is irrelevant.

#31 im absolutely not miserable but people know if they play a prank on me they are out of my life.

You must be fun at parties. Also, your name suits you well, #50

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His brother likely used someone else's phone. A prank like that would've been planned out.

You should of made the most of the moment and taken the opportunity to ask if they had any vacant positions and been able to present your resume in person with the hiring manager. You never know what might happen

Pretend to be the Grim Reaper and just loom over him when he wakes up.

You should pretend that you got the job and thank him for it :)

Your brother needs a swift kick in the butt! Keep your chin up, OP. Best of luck!

Maybe you should just hurt your brother. you know... so he'll stop being an ass.