By Anonymous - 22/01/2019 22:00 - United States - Fort Wayne

Today, the maintenance man for my apartment “fixed” my toilet from constantly running. Now it won’t flush. I learned this after I took a huge dump. My boyfriend was over to spend the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 167
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a bucket or large bowl of water and use that flush until you can get maintenance back in

Hmm... it's possible that he forgot to reattach the chain leading from the flapper to the lever, or he didn't turn the water back on to the tank. Can't really see what else would cause the issue. Still, it's better that they deal with it, rather than something unrelated happening and them trying to stick the blame on you for tampering with it. Hope it gets resolved, OP.


Gofuckyourself 24

Quite the shitty situation OP 😬 How did things turn out?

bl3ur0z3 17

Your boyfriend on his what? Moderators?

Hmm... it's possible that he forgot to reattach the chain leading from the flapper to the lever, or he didn't turn the water back on to the tank. Can't really see what else would cause the issue. Still, it's better that they deal with it, rather than something unrelated happening and them trying to stick the blame on you for tampering with it. Hope it gets resolved, OP.

Use a poop knife and a ladle to scoop your turd into a trash bag, toss the ladle and knife in with the poop, knot the whole mess and toss it in the dumpster. Make your boyfriend think he broke the toilet when he tries to use it, and he’ll go to work fixing it. Life just takes a little finesse to get things done!

Casstrodamus 4

I had to deal with that for a brief period of time. I had a big Tupperware normally used for soups that I kept in the bathroom to flush. It's a tiny bit embarrassing, but any guy that's bothered by the fact that you take a shit like everyone else or that something broke in your apartment isn't a guy worth having.

You were supposed to save it for the Cleveland steamroller!

tounces7 27

Look for a valve at the bottom-left of the toilet. Turn it counter-clockwise if possible. That should turn the water back on to the toilet. It's likely the maintenance man was just really lazy and simply turned the water off to keep it from running....

Girls poop too. And maybe your boyfriend can actually fix it since the so-called maintenance man didn't.