By InDebt - 04/02/2016 04:47 - United States - Morgantown

Today, Southwest officially called off the search for my lost baggage and asked me to file a claim for reimbursement. My bag had $2000 worth of dental instruments, which I won't get any compensation for since the airline doesn't take any liability for valuable items. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 487
You deserved it 1 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

0 liability for valuable items? when are they liable then? For my $3 tube of toothpaste?

Buy a new drill. Invite them over for free treatment. Hold them hostage. Should get the loss covered and then some.


Buy a new drill. Invite them over for free treatment. Hold them hostage. Should get the loss covered and then some.

0 liability for valuable items? when are they liable then? For my $3 tube of toothpaste?

Find out what they will claim, and state that's what was in it instead. Make the value even more than $2,000 and get your money's worth! What do you have to lose?

Expensive dental equipment, apparently.

Two words: Travel Insurance. If you're traveling with anything valuable, please get it next time!

I'm in insurance.... File a claim... If you have homeowners or renters insurance..... They will reimburse your property, no matter where you are!! Trust me!!! My name is jake and i actually work at State farm as an insurance salesman in training!

Well, you could check with a lawyer, except if you signed something saying that you agree to that.... Then you're pretty much screwed. Hope it was insured, if it wasn't then you learned a lesson, always insure expensive things.

Will they be liable for the inevitable foot that gets lost when someone shoves It up their metal arse with those rules?

Publikwerks 14

14 CFR Part 254 - google it. Department of Transportation requires airlines to reimburse you for up to $3,300 of luggage value.

It's the information they don't volunteer, most people will never know so they don't have to pay most people. Shady!!!

Perhaps you should consider carry-on for the more expensive pieces next time.

Suaria 38

Except it was dental instruments as stated in the FML. Most of those instruments would be considered weapons by the TSA.

Dammit I was going to make a carry-on joke but #13 unwittingly beat me to it.