Magic moment

By spongebob squarepants - 28/02/2018 01:30

Today, I rear-ended someone while trying to watch my odometer hit 80,000 miles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 589
You deserved it 7 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude if crap like that distracts you that much, you're a danger to everyone around you. Please swith to using public transportation.

ohsnapword 21

Did you get it on your Snapchat as well?


ActuallyDavid 17

Lmao YDI bro. I would’ve probably done something similarly stupid at some point, though.

ohsnapword 21

Did you get it on your Snapchat as well?

You managed to hit AT 80,000 miles. Congrats!!

lukesick1 12

When this baby hits 80,000 miles your gonna see some serious shit.

YDI. I'd say **** Their Life, but I'm concerned the acronym of such would only encourage you.

Dude if crap like that distracts you that much, you're a danger to everyone around you. Please swith to using public transportation.

Guess you hit 80,000 in more ways than one!