By cullenthegreat - 25/08/2016 16:26 - United States - Villanova

Today, on my second morning at college, I tried to make coffee using my Keurig. I realized after I got back from my shower that I hadn't put a cup under the machine. All 3 drawers of my dresser are now filled with coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 060
You deserved it 8 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, the joys of needing coffee but being too tired to make it properly. This is coming from the person who's put sugar in the coffee filter, water in the already full pot, and tried drinking a cup of straight creamer.

That's usually the part of the day where I say "**** it" and contemplate suicide for a few hours before I end up masturbating to some weird fetish **** and then feel super guilty and comtemplate suicide again. It's an endless cycle, really.


Keurig is "new technology" (to you) so don't be too hard on yourself. After using a standard coffee-maker for years, one afternoon (it wasn't even morning!) I scooped coffee into the filter basket and filled it with water, completely forgetting to put a filter in the basket. Managed to blow coffee grounds and water all over the kitchen! It stained the grout, so I had a daily reminder of how stupid I can be.

bleach and a toothbrush will take the stains out of the grout. even without the brush...let it sit for awhile and then wipe up. pretty grout once again.

I've forgotten a cup, quickly realized and started over before disaster struck, put a cup in place, and then came back to find the cuo upside down and coffe covering the kitchen counter and floor. OP, you're not alone.

thunderniron 22

Hmmmmm, my kuerig only makes one cup at a time...

notabanana 8

Sounds like you hadn't had your morning coffee yet oh wait...

Well...keep trying. A lot of mornings are gonna suck in college.

I call bull. "All 3" and "filled"? Yeah no not from 7.5 oz of coffee.

Ahh, the important things you learn in college: how to adult.

This seems so implausible how did it get in every drawer? Keurigs only make enough for one cup of coffee so 8 oz filled three drawers? How did it get in said drawers were they all left open and if they were wouldn't it only get in the top drawer unless it seeped through the bottom of each drawer some how but that seems unlikely because the clothes in first drawer should of absorbed most of the liquid.