By scarlett666 - 05/06/2009 02:04 - United Kingdom

Today, on a plane home from Ireland, my husband who was severely hungover, vomitted in a bag before we took off. When he got up to put the bag in the bin the stewardess forced him to sit back down. I had to hold on to a bag full of vomit for a good few minutes whilst my husband was passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 952
You deserved it 5 587

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He vomitted in the bag, not on you. You were at a minor inconvience not an FML

Eros_fml 0

vomit is no fun, either from you or anyone else


tandy_fml 0

This is really not that bad at all. Im not even married and i'd have no problem doing this for my girlfriend. But thats just me.

You tourists are the reason we Irish don't like foreigners drinking our beer. Coulda been worse....could have been a stranger's barf. And worse yet, it could have been a stranger's barf OUTSIDE the bag.

#107 and #117, You can't really speak on behalf of all Irish people? I'm also Irish, and I don't care if tourists drink our beer, or if people say we're drunks.

Doubt this is true. Seems a bit too stereotypical to be talking about coming home from Ireland & being hungover.

dzidziaud 5

Well, you can't blame him. When in Ireland, do as the Irish do ;D

Seriously?? this is not an FML. grow up. oh boo hoo you had to hold a bag of vomit for a couple of minutes. did it land on you? no. so no big deal.

Pharmacyst 0

Drinking is a terrible habit, you should encourage him to quit and if you should stop if you drink as well. Alcohol has broken so many marriages.

Ah, Ireland! FYL. #112: Idiot. Just because she married a Celt/drunk doesn't mean their marriage is in the shitter. It's the things that make you drink that break the marriages.

#113 thats rude! i am irish and find it extremely offensive that people say we are drunks or watever ur probably more of an alchoholic than us! iv never drank booz in my life!

R0lling_St0ner 0

well then let me tell you ya aint a real rishman till you can out drink you fellow irishman XD naa jk but I'm 50% irish and I'm drinkin right meow and most other people with irsh blood in thier vians likes to swill back a brew every now and again =D

R0lling_St0ner 0

hell most red blooded Americans do that the only difference is the irish like getting fuked up not just drunk =DD

swimmer07 0

"vomited" has one T. learn to spell

Should I comment on your lack of punctuation? No. Stop being pedantic.

swimmer07 0

one more thing for anyone who uses the word "whilst" in their FMLs: it doesnt make you sound smarter, it makes you sound stupid and annoying

lolbethanyxx 0

they use the word "whilst" in most UK countries, and here in America we use while. Just another language difference. >.>

Its what english people say, we're not trying to be smart, just correct.

im irish and find it soo extremely offensive that #113 ha the nerve to call irish people drunks! were not! we all find it rude and offensive.