By qwaynick - 21/12/2010 09:25

Today, my wife got her second kidney stone in a month. I gave her some pills to help with the pain. An hour later she started hallucinating, pulled down her pants and tried to pee on our couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 016
You deserved it 6 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably shouldn't have laced her Vicodin with LSD.

hippiechick96 3

what kind of pills did you give her? xD


snizzlesnuzzle 0

a. poor thing b. hilarious c. what'd you give her...?

I'll take a dozen of those pills. Or maybe thirteen.

You disgust me. I said TWELVE not a dozen, you babbling fool!

ilovepandaz 2


You must really love that couch for this to count as a FML. Otherwise it's good entertainment and provides an excellent after dinner story for years to come.

why didn't you use that to your advantage? I mean her pants are down, you're a guy and you didn't do anything?

Um isn't "for better or for worse" in your marriage vows? Your meant to take care of her. If I were your wife id be pissed that you posted this, I'm sure if she could've controlled it she would've.

apoop 0

kidney stones hurt like hell, **** her life

Your wife is drugged up and "tried" to pee on your couch. You need to grow pair if this seriously bothers you.