By mclovin09 - 18/12/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my wife entered in an ugliest sweater competition at her work. She wore a plain white sweater with a picture of my face printed on it. She came home with first prize. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 085
You deserved it 4 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Cheer up! You are very handsome -- it's just that your wife has very, very ugly, mishapen ****.

Sweaters with faces printed on them are ugly anyhow, no matter who is printed on it.


:O It's her favourite sweater that she wears for special occasions, family portraits, and holidays!

there have been too many fmls about ugly sweater competitions

Reyo 2

OP: It's called a joke. It's when someone does something with the intention of causing humor, joy, and laughtor to a group of individuals. It can come from a simple joke or a sarcastic comment at someone else's expense. NOTE: Not all jokes are meant to be taken seriously since they are, indeed, jokes. I suggest you pull the stick out of your ass and learn to appreciate your wife's cleverness.

- 37 is right OP is just too sensitive and can't take a joke

peroxideprincess 0
blland 0
YayAmerica 0

Thank you and agreed. A sweater with anyone's face on it would look stupid, unless you're 70 and it's a picture of your grandchildren.

No that's still pretty ugly. You just aren't supposed to say anything bad about someone's grandkids

theycallmetahjia 0

Sweaters with faces printed on them are ugly anyhow, no matter who is printed on it.

perdix 29

Cheer up! You are very handsome -- it's just that your wife has very, very ugly, mishapen ****.

way to save the day perdix way to save the day, i absolutely love it