By 0h_Boy - 20/04/2016 20:03 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my wife and I were Skyping, when she decided to put on a "show" for me. Seconds before she was about to climax, we lost internet connection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 887
You deserved it 2 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Trust me, we were just as disappointed as you." –Skype system technician

mds9986 24


Wow, that is some bad luck. Trust me, I'm sure this sucks as much for your wife as it does for you so FYL and FHL.

Left with a cliffhanger worse than the Incredibles movie. Hopefully you won't have to wait several years to see how it plays out.

Your wife got too hot for the Internet to handle so it overheated and had to take a cold shower to cool down. lol

or was that her plan all along?..... haha jk but that is sure a bummer.

i can even do anything for today poor network

sh4ll0truth88 8

I bet she finished without you too...

#9 I literally love you for this comment.

This isn't exactly an FML, these have been slowly decreasing in quality as many FML's now are just people bitching and not things that actually affect your life