By GlennGuagmire - 23/10/2016 06:23 - Saudi Arabia - Ras Tanura

Today, my wife and I were born on the same day, married on our birthday date. Today is our birthday and anniversary, and today we are getting divorced. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 018
You deserved it 1 624

Same thing different taste

Top comments

With a bit of cyanide, you could get your deaths to coincide too! Whole circle of life and all that.

Damn, if only today were a leap year, too! I mean, my condolences, OP. Relationships and time heals wounds or something.


Does your name have any reason why your getting divorce?

My parents have the same thing. At least, with the shared birthday

I had the same bday as my daddy. My ex-fiancee was born on his mom's bday 3 weeks later. Our initials were transposed to each other's. Not really important/relevant but I wanted to share that. Anyway, congrats (?) on the divorce!

LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL sorry I couldn't help it

I never realized that this fml was posted. I never wanted to mention that our child shares the same birthday as well. I'm glad that thing didn't go well with the divorce and thing started to be better between me and my wife. It's just a matter of time and things will go back to normal