mellbelle32 - 11/07/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, my visiting cousin was driving me to pick-up and pay for my wedding cake at the bakery. The cops pulled him over for speeding and as it turns out his license was expired. I ended up having to use my wedding cake money to bail him out of jail. FML
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regenzie 0

Why would you bail him out? It was his fault, and that money should be important. Let someone else bail him out, or let him worry about his problems on his own.

ohJeeznotme 7

He could have sat in jail. Its YOUR wedding cake! He obviously had enough offenses if he got thrown in the slammer, he deserved it!

regenzie 0

Why would you bail him out? It was his fault, and that money should be important. Let someone else bail him out, or let him worry about his problems on his own.

I agree, let him stay in jail. I mean, unless he HAD to be at the wedding, let him stay in there and have one of his buddies bail him out of jail. Or just make him pay you back.

exactly. serves him right for driving with an expired license. wedding cake > irresponsible cousin.

depressing FML, i woulda called someone to pick me up then drive me to get the cake

armyofficerwife 0

I completely agree. That was their mistake not yours. Your wedding is a little more important.

Why does everyone always feel the need to bail someone out of jail?

It doesn't really matter If it's just bail you'll get it back...

ImAKlutz15 0

But it does matter if the wedding is coming up and she has no money for the cake...

You shoulda just let him or her stay in jail...

ohJeeznotme 7

He could have sat in jail. Its YOUR wedding cake! He obviously had enough offenses if he got thrown in the slammer, he deserved it!

You get arrested for driving with a suspended or expired license, or driving with no insurance (no _proof_ of insurance just gets you a ticket), or refusing a breathalyser.

SiCMgt4SlipKnoT 0

YDI for being sympathetic to your cousin on your wedding day.

That sucks considering you had to spend your wedding cake money on your cousin

deliciouskaek 1

My visiting cousin would have missed my damn wedding that day. YDI, you're too damn nice. Let another visiting cousin bail him out.

BikerMike 0

should have bought the cake instead