By Biologyfacepalm - 03/03/2014 19:58 - United States

Today, my students presented their projects on genetics to the rest of the class. One student told the class that salted and unsalted peanuts were an example of genetic variation. She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 698
You deserved it 4 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As if people couldn't get any dumber...

Just wait until you hear about the giraffe necks!


would they grade on the presentation of the material or the facts?

well judging how your FML says "United States" I'm not the least bit surprised.....sorry OP. hope you meet people who understand science some day

Not all of us Americans are idiots. Maybe Op's entire class had amazing presentations and this particular student was the type to not pay attention and bullshit a project a few hours before it was due. For all we know, she COULD just be a slack-student. Don't label all of Americans just because some of us either decided not to learn about a subject or never got the chance to learn said subject.

#42, will you please shut the hell up? Everybody says Americans are idiots, but as I recall, you don't get to number one in this world by being stupid. It's a good joke, but anybody who takes it seriously the way you do just doesn't know what they're talking about. And yes, I know about immigration and intelligent people coming from other countries. And living here. And having kids that grow up to be as smart and successful as they are. My point: Quit it.

Usually I defend my country and I do love America but seriously (most of) my classmates are all complete idiots... I'm not sure it's different in other countries though... It could just be my town though... I dunno I guess I'm saying I could see some of them saying the same exact thing

masta1080 5

maybe you're a bad teacher if they didn't understand the difference...just sayin

While a lot of mistakes are due to the teachers fault this isn't one of them. This sounds more like an idiot as a student who didn't pay attention in class.

Boy is she dumb! Did everyone crack up in laughter or were all your students as brain dead as her? Kids today seem to get more dumber as technology gets smarter

They seem to get more dumber, do they? Interesting.

God, you're as bad as the morons who say, "Your dumb, lolz".

Depends on what age she is. If she is really young, you can't hold it against her, especially if she did the project on her own. If she is not so young, FHL.

I guess her project isn't worth peanuts then.....

dannnngthatsux 19

Never heard, 'you can't fix stupid'? You can be the greatest teacher ever, with a poor student, you get poor results. It does take a village to raise a scholar.

Epikouros 31

Maybe somebody told her that salted peanuts grow that way when she was very young, and she never questioned it later. That's how the most bizarre myths are perpetuated.