By ouch - 16/09/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, my sister told me that she read that the pain of giving birth is equal to the pain of breaking 20 bones at once. I'm 19 weeks pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 288
You deserved it 5 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SlyTail 5

Well, there's no turning back now.

Just take the drugs when they offer them, the epidural may hurt at first but it's so worth it


liahbby 7

having a baby doesn't hurt that much unless you let it get that way

jerico616 14

If your sister has never had a baby, then why would you believe her? And if you do, I have some beach front property in Montana to sell you!

Dumbass! It says her sister read it somewhere. Learn how to read things better.

Shut up, ugly girl. That was a good comment. Nigerian prince?

quinkadink 0

That is not true. I just gave birth to my son(9lbs 7oz) and w/o any meds. Its all in your headvjust focus on something and only push during contractions.....


When I was born I was 4 pounds 1 oz

I'd say the tearing would be worse. Or the fact that more often than not you will lose control of your bladder and your bowels! have fun!

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Anyway. I think your sister's just trying to scare you, I doubt it feels like "20 bones breaking". Have you ever had 20 bones break? No? Me either, but I'm sure it hurts a Hell of a lot more than childbirth.

J9DeeZy 4

Doesn't sound right. I broke both arm bones and they both stuck right out my skin and I went into shock.


It's really like the worst period cramp imaginable. But if many women can go through it and survive then so can you. oh and take the epidural.

It may hurt at the time, but the second you see your baby, you forget all about it.

tmmundy 17

I had two beautiful girls naturally, no meds, I was to afraid of a needle going in my back and causing nerve damage later. I made it just fine.