By ouch - 16/09/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, my sister told me that she read that the pain of giving birth is equal to the pain of breaking 20 bones at once. I'm 19 weeks pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 288
You deserved it 5 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SlyTail 5

Well, there's no turning back now.

Just take the drugs when they offer them, the epidural may hurt at first but it's so worth it


Have an epidural and gas and air you won't feel a thing :)

Well that all depends on how " WORE OUT" you are

Jesus, giving birth is NOT that painful. I gave birth at home with no epidural (where I'm from, that's normal) and I survived just fine. Stop listening to people who tell you stuff they've heard from their mother's uncle's neighbour's cousin twice removed.

ask for pain meds and you'll be fine! ps, I gave birth to 5 kids without pain medicine and I'm the biggest wimp with the lowest tolerance for pain, so you'll be ok

Well you must already know that it's not going to be a walk in the park. However, it does differ depending on the woman and the baby. Good luck (:

what are you talking about? 19 weeks pregnant is like 4 and a half months along? she knows what she's talking about!

nc21690 19

I cant say how bad it is I had a c section but the worst part of that was the spinal after that you dont feel anything until the next day and it feels like any other surgery like if you had your appendix out or something like that

OP, the great thing about this is that the pain of childbirth is over like... right away. Breaking 20 bones at once? LOL not so much. I gave birth with no epidural, and I'm pretty sure they put pain meds in my IV, but I did it with no problems, and I'm a wuss about pain too. It's NOT that bad, so don't let your sister scare you, and don't believe everything you hear/read about it :D