By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 03:25 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my sister shaved a chunk of my hair off while I was sleeping. I'm getting married in three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 357
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be extra alert if I were you, OP. She might be brewing herself a Polyjuice potion, and who knows what she'll on your wedding day. Try not to eat any floating cupcakes.

Would that be something borrowed or something new?


If worst comes to worst you could get a wig

Don't worry about it OP, your stylist/MUA will be able to work wonders with some extensions. As for your sister, when she gets married, I think a reverse mohawk would be in order.

Would that be something borrowed or something new?

Maybe she's jealous? Very jealous that is

This is why they coined the term "justifiable homicide"...

Just think of it as an opportunity to be creative with decorative head/hair pieces!

I suppose OP's pretty stressed as it is, though. But good luck, OP!

schreibergx93 19

Actually good reason to not sleep so heavy.

randomguy76 14

Love that you act like that is something controllable.

Well you're just a dick face.. Aren't ya now?

sylvienoir 18

God forbid OP is tired from wedding planning and nerves. Probably the first night of sleep she really got.

schreibergx93 19

Sleep cycle, circadian rhythm, etc.... It is controllable. It's trainj fm your body to do things. How do you think your body can tolerate hat sugar coated latte you get at your coffee shop? Your body adapts. How can you live in a cold or hot climate? But you're shocked when you go to the opposite and are fine a few weeks later? Your body adapts. I'm a dick face, yes. Downvote if you like. Unless there's a medical condition which causes such hints for OP, it is controllable. Learn some Biology, you'll be fine. I promise.

schreibergx93 19

And, yes, I invited all of your replies. Because I am, indeed, a dick face.

RusticChick 27

Only suggestion I have is to purchase a wig, possibly? Bumping the wedding causes wayyyy too many problems. Best of luck, OP! Sorry your sister is a bitch.

I'd be extra alert if I were you, OP. She might be brewing herself a Polyjuice potion, and who knows what she'll on your wedding day. Try not to eat any floating cupcakes.

Shave a chunk of hers and glue it back on