By insomniac - 03/09/2010 23:02

Today, my sister is nursing an injured cat back to health in our home because she accidentally hit it with her car. Now I can't decide which is contributing more to my insomnia: the incessant meowing, or the constant itching because our house is infested with fleas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 472
You deserved it 3 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it really too hard to pick up some Advantage or Revolution and dose the cat? As for the house, vacuum EVERTHING and chuck the bag in the garbage outside when you're done. Buy a premise spray and don't forget to treat the baseboards, fleas love to hide there. Treat it like a lice infestation and wash everything you can in warm water if possible. If you think you're itching, imagine how the cat feels. It's probably losing fur and becoming anemic as you complain.

LiesAreBeautiful 0

Shelters are often overrun with animals, and the ones that need medical care or extra attention like this one can't be taken care of properly since most shelters don't have the funding or volunteers. And no one wants to adopt a sick animal, so she would most likely be euthanized (unless it's a no-kill shelter, which those are often full and you can't leave an animal there).


turtlemansam 6

Dude never feed it Kool Aid!!!!! Trust me on this. No questions asked.

Solution: Leave home so cat has extra bedrooms. Cat=happier but not giving a shit

pwincessa23 1

kill the fckn cat & get something to kill the fleas too. I hate cats cuz I'm allergic to them

luigisf 0

well at least the bitch cares about her mistakes, I don't like cats either, I hate, I abhor them. but every animal should be taken care from the carelessness of humans.

24 - The cats didn't make you allergic to them, so don't hate on them that much :/ There's an allergy for everything, so if we killed everything that anyone's allergic to, then there would be nothing left :L

benny2465 0

your sisters an idiot for hitting a cat in the first place,but she's a woman, she can't drive

Stop with the women are bad drivers "joke". As for killing cats because one is allergic to them... suck it up. I'm highly allergic to cats and have lived with them all my life. It doesn't bother me.

She didn't think to take it to a shelter or something?

LiesAreBeautiful 0

Shelters are often overrun with animals, and the ones that need medical care or extra attention like this one can't be taken care of properly since most shelters don't have the funding or volunteers. And no one wants to adopt a sick animal, so she would most likely be euthanized (unless it's a no-kill shelter, which those are often full and you can't leave an animal there).

oshi16toofly 0

aww I think it's great how your sid cares for the animal. you'll just have to grin and bare if.

At least there isn't FYL #3: I'm also allergic to cats. On top of the insomnia from meowing and your itchiness. So it can always be worse OP, keep your chin up and be glad that the cat is staying temporarily! :-D

spanelli 16

Depending on if she wants to keep the cat or not. :o I'd feel horrible if I hit a kitty. D:

Pary_Poo 0

Ahhh! I hate that uncontrollable urge to scratch scratch scratch. 0:

BadasS14 0

Haha i bet u wish u lived in a world where cats didnt exist lol sux for man!

Arsonnist 3

Well I'm sure once you figure out this great mystery, you'll be able sleep perfectly.

The cat probably belongs to someone. She should be looking for its owner.

if this cat has/had an owner, i doubt the owner took good care of it if the cat ended up outside to be hit by a car, and that it has fleas. so the cat is in better hands not with it's owner. to the OP - i feel sorry for you. your sister should've taken the cat to a vet or animal hospital where they can keep the cat and take better care of it. most people who attempt to "nurse" sick animals back to health end up with a dead animal anyway.