By Anonymous - 26/11/2018 16:00 - United States - Floral Park

Today, my self-described "genius" cousin came to the conclusion that cooking the turkey in the oven for 8 hours would take too long, so he doubled the temperature to have it done in half the time. The fire department had to come to put out the fireball that was once my butterball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 053
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Deez_Knots 10

What a dummy. It could’ve been worse. You could’ve let him try and fry it.

What a dumbass! Doubling the temperature on a relative scale (like Fahrenheit or Celsius) only increases the temperature by about 40% on an absolute scale (Kelvin, Rankine) The temperatures recommended by experts are based on the combined convection/conduction problem to give optimal results. Still, 8 hours sounds too long.


Deez_Knots 10

What a dummy. It could’ve been worse. You could’ve let him try and fry it.

What a dumbass! Doubling the temperature on a relative scale (like Fahrenheit or Celsius) only increases the temperature by about 40% on an absolute scale (Kelvin, Rankine) The temperatures recommended by experts are based on the combined convection/conduction problem to give optimal results. Still, 8 hours sounds too long.

PenguinPal3017 19

Yeah, doubling a number with an arbitrary zero doesn't make sense. The entire plan didn't make sense, but that part in particular is devoid of science.

It would take 8 hours for a 24 lb turkey. That’s a big turkey. But they’re out there.

Have you ever tried cooking a big Turducken? We went exactly by the instructions for its size, cooked it all day, and STILL ended up having dessert first while waiting for the internal temp to rise enough.

A turducken is THREE birds! Let's not even get into the intricacies of the inter-bird thermal contact resistances!

Does he also think he can roast marshmallows by simply tossing the entire bag into the oven as well?

EmDizzle2007 28

"Way to go, GENIUS. What are you going to do for your next trick, prove the world is flat?"

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

Your cousin must buy a lot of ACME products. Has he caught that Road Runner yet?

Do you guys normally celebrate thanksgiving 4 days late...?

julfunky 29

You realize that FMLs don’t immediately post, right?

I wasn't aware that ovens had a 650F setting

I'm confused on why it was going to take 8 hours in the first place. when we made a 24 lb. Turkey, it only called to cook for 3 1/2 to 4 hours at 350.