By Doritos - 17/06/2010 08:06 - United States

Today, my room-mate came out of the bathroom, tossed a Playboy on the coffee table, threw away a used condom, dug his hand into my bag of Doritos, and washed his hands. In that order. FML
I agree, your life sucks 565
You deserved it 36

Top comments

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Get revenge. **** in his milk.

DarkHelmet 10

that deserves an ass whoopin!!


I would've been like "WTF yu better get yo dirty crusty hands OUTTA my damn Dorito's.!!!!"

idratherbedead 0
emoROCKprincess 0

Its really not that big of a deal. Just get a new bag of Doritos

210 you are disgusting. you know nothing about her. stop being supercial and grow up. 179, you are beautiful, don't listen to immature childish jerks.

He could at least have had the decency to come while he was still in the bathroom.

zachman1221 0

sucks to be you dont eat da chips

Oh my god. 210, this is the second time I've seen you harass this girl. You look like a creeper who can't get any. She is honestly beautiful & you are absolutely disgusting as a person for even thinking about insulting someone like that.

The__Redneck 7

Buy a dispenser of hand-lotion and a couple tubes of Ben-Gay--the scentless kind. Dump out the hand lotion, and fill the dispenser with the Ben-Gay. "Accidentally" leave if out for your dicksnot roommate to find.

ummm.... who masturbates with a condom? what, is he worried his fantasy will get pregnant?lol

get a match/lighter and melt the next condom he uses to his...yeah. It'd be one hell of a payback. I bet he wouldnt want to touch your doritos again. Plus you get to play with fire