By Burny - 12/10/2017 16:00

Today, my partner took a shower while in the middle of cooking something. My eyes are still burning from the smoke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 859
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People, you aren't Sims. You can't just abandon one task to do another and not suffer the consequences. No one is controlling your ever function and will be able to replace your stuff. They also can't just use a cheat to give you the money you've lost.

Looks like that 'how to multitask' article you sent him earlier really paid off.


Looks like that 'how to multitask' article you sent him earlier really paid off.

exileonmainst 16

Did he cook the horse and pregnant goat you bought without consulting him?

People, you aren't Sims. You can't just abandon one task to do another and not suffer the consequences. No one is controlling your ever function and will be able to replace your stuff. They also can't just use a cheat to give you the money you've lost.

Your partner need to pay attention that how houses get burnt down. You should buy him cooking for dummies

Christina Winden 22

Or "Common Sense: What it is and How to Get it."