By Kevin - 10/03/2010 08:39 - Canada

Today, my parents took my laptop, cut the Internet, took my car keys and TV, and removed my bedroom door. Why? Because they thought the plant I was growing for my science project was a marijuana plant. Oh yeah, they took that too. My presentation is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 476
You deserved it 2 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should change you experiment to show how parents can go from zero to full retardation in about an hour. Will Smith had it right. Parents just don't understand.

wow... that sounds rather excessive for a little weed... Get it... because it wasn't marijuana I meant weed as it... nvm I'm going to lay of the bad puns for a while :-P


Even if it WAS weed either one of those things they removed are more likely to harm you than weed.

Yeah cause my bedroom door is just SOOOO dangerous rofl

itz_towelie 6

i got my hand caught in my bedroom door once... it kinda hurt...

tb15 0

they shoulda let u have sex with the weed first, heil hitler

No offence OP but your parents are dumb. Why don't you like show them your presentation or something that you have written so they can understand.

FYL, also FYL for not getting to grow marijuana in science.

then how the **** are u writing this???

fake. if they cut your Internet there would be no way that you could post this.

Pfft. That makes you wonder if they only said that because they intend to smoke it. They're going to be sorely disappointed....

You're in Canada, don't all of y'all smoke weed anyway?

Marijuana's illegal here too. Just sayin'.

Gruv3r14 1

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. YouTube it. Its a song by Serj, the lead singer of SOAD

wow, your parents are ignorant. btw how is having a cannabis plant wrong? is it illegal in your country?

Most countries freak out and gø in full search of someone whø even mentions marijuana, like USA, Jamaica, England, etc.