By Macysdayparade8 - 09/12/2015 04:01 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boss of six months asked me what country I'm from. I'm white and from the southern United States. I'm so quiet, he didn't think I spoke English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 511
You deserved it 3 453

Macysdayparade8 tells us more.

Op here. I was just trying to say that there are no obvious signs that I'm not from Georgia/from another country, where most people speak English.

Top comments

Even if you are extremely shy/quiet, your boss should know what language you speak by now... It's not your fault they've paid absolutely no attention!

Just keep going with it and act like you don't speak English to get out of messy situations


Even if you are extremely shy/quiet, your boss should know what language you speak by now... It's not your fault they've paid absolutely no attention!

If you get in trouble for something, just say "me no speak English ".

Not if they never talk, which is obviously the case here

right?? how did they get hired in the first place?

arioch_fml 20

True that the boss should at least know they speak English after that amount of time. But the boss didn't necessarily do the interview for the Op to get hired could have been a manager.

He didn't look like an obvious minority. He's just proving his boss had no excuse for thinking something so ignorant. Obviously his boss wasn't paying any attention to him.

There are lots of Caucasians that don't speak English though. I grew up around a lot of German speakers and they would often be very quite because they felt uncomfortable speaking English as it was often broken. Maybe OP's boss figured OP spoke German or polish or something. They could have simply asked why OP is often so quite, rather than assume a reason. However I also don't see what difference being white makes in this particular FML.

Malsain_fml 10

Thing is, if you are white, you migth not look exotic (except if eyes and body are particular). What I think OP is tryingto say is basically that when you look ath him/her, nothing seems to indicate she/he would not speak english.

That's exactly what I way saying, thanks for articulating it properly

Sorry OP LOL. Glad I could help clear that up for u

You could really have fun with this OP. Pretend to be from a different country. Talk with a foreign accent. Or speak a completely different language! You could become a whole new person!

Based on the FML, I think they already cleared up the misunderstanding

You could have started speaking slang and said from west Detroit of something XD

Just keep going with it and act like you don't speak English to get out of messy situations

Keep the illusion up and pretend to speak Spanish or something. Hopefully you speak another language besides English.

Ok... I still didn't see where is the "OH MY GOD, MY LIFE SUCKS" on this FML.

"What country you from?" "What?" "They speak English in What?" "What?" "English, Mother ****** ! Do you speak it?!"