By UglyFace - 30/11/2013 22:46 - United Kingdom

Today, my parents told me they'd be willing to pay for me to get a nose job. I asked them what was wrong with my nose, and they said nothing, it's just not the kind of nose they'd prefer to feature in our Christmas photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 251
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should really tell your parents that you're just a combination of their genes. If they have a problem with you physically, then it's just a problem with themselves. Don't sweat it OP, it will be one of those things they'll look back on and facepalm themselves over.

It's sort of passed down due to genetics so the jokes on them haha


I'd be happy if I got a free nose job. But it was rude of them to say that to you.

JocelynKaulitz 28

I'd be insulted if I got offered a free nose job by my parents.

HentaiBunny 4

easy for you to say, you have a perfect nose. lol

It's that the family finds it offensive for there "family photo". That's such a terrible thing to say to your daughter

You should really tell your parents that you're just a combination of their genes. If they have a problem with you physically, then it's just a problem with themselves. Don't sweat it OP, it will be one of those things they'll look back on and facepalm themselves over.

Unless OP has a nose like the milkman. Oh-oh..mama's a ho...(if you sing that last bit, it sounds much funnier).

Well then they should invest in a photoshop program.

BriCx 8

That isn't the point. The point is they called their own child ugly. Using Photoshop is just as bad...

I meant it would be cheaper than paying for a nose job. I never said what they did was okay, either way it's wrong but they might as well not put their child through surgery when they could buy a program and do it easily

\ 28

Not everyone is readily skilled in the use of Photoshop either...

Llama_Face89 33

28- heh not by much! Photoshop is EXPENSIVE!!

... so this is a debate about wether or not they should buy Photoshop? Really Internet?

It's sort of passed down due to genetics so the jokes on them haha

jojimugo 20

Tell them to piss off. If your own family can't accept you the way you are , I would honestly tell them to go to hell

Tell them to hire a better photographer instead. It will save more

Yeah because everyone knows that the better photographers out there have nose "fixing" cameras. Just like red-eye reduction...d*mb*ss.

^You're really doing a good job of becoming the FML idiot.

What ever happened to parents thinking their child/children are beautiful?

yerbduebeenehe 16

It went down the drain with parenting.

That's rude of them. Suck them in through your nose...

Your parents are rude! Take the money & go have a shopping spree instead then go ruin their photo with your nose. SN: I person don't think anything is wrong with your nose. Don't let what your parents said get you down.

yerbduebeenehe 16

OP should buy one of those hideous holiday sweaters and wear it for the picture to "ruin" the picture.