By BasicallySodaFlavoredWater - 14/12/2015 00:15 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my parents decided that the best way to save money was to dilute everything we drank with water. Only one more year of watered down soda and juice to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 073
You deserved it 2 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should just stick with water and not have watered down anything. Why torture yourself? Water is great on it's own. Unless you hate water...

why spend the money on soda and juice in the first place, why not stick with water if it'll taste like it anyway?


leogachi 15

A lot of people are telling you to get a job as if they know whether or not you have one.

This is why I ask for no ice in my soda.

Watered down soda must be torture, but I grew up with putting water in all my juice because my parents thought it would be slightly healthier.

sarahcroy20 12

Or you could get a job and buy your own beverages.