By Crippled - 27/12/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, my parents bought me an alarm clock that runs away from you while beeping obnoxiously when you hit snooze. I just had ankle surgery and am unable to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 658
You deserved it 2 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont_Explain 3

Better yet, put it up on a high ledge. "Run ******, run."


Haha. That's a great prank - a bit on the cruel side, mind you, but great nonetheless.

So? Don't hit snooze. Use it for its intended purpose instead of delaying the inevitable.

hahaha thats preeeeey awesome.. aside from you not bein able to walkk, but still itd be funny to watch you try to hit the snooze :)

Clocky is awesome. I have two (one still boxed, either as a future gift, or as a replacement for mine). OP - just use the option to disable the wheels. You did read the instructions before using it right?

BurnIt2TheGround 0

Haha i would set the alarm and shoot at it :P

melonsmasherrr 0

Don't turn it on then. DUH! This a stupid FML

thats awesomeee hahah the alarm of coursex)