By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States

Today, my parents boarded the fad wagon and became Juggalos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 705
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CuteDumBlonde64 11
xXxIracebethxXx 14

Sure. Let's go with that, #39.


Juggalos are a bunch of pussy queers runnin around shovin axes up their asses!

jrang_14 2

haha. eww Juggalos are disgusting.

monkiki62 5

Wow that's so hilarious Idk what to say.

guppyfishlette 1

My bf and I are both part of the fam. Lette for life! WHOOP WHOOP MMFWCL

@110. really? your not a juggalo your a juffalo. i've been a juggalo for a long long time so let me break down the reality of what we are for you. were not fans of a band moron, were a family, which is the one thing that sets u apart from everyone else. i mean ya people hate on us alot, it comes with the territory. ya alot of juggalos are fat, alot of us are poor, alot of us party way too hard. but dont try making us sound like something were not to make others accept us man. juggalos have al been shit on weve all been knocked down and we have our fam to help us thru the hard times. our family. not our band. anyone who trys to make us sound like were just fans of a band isnt a juggalo,fact. 13 and butterflys for life homies. (oh and if u dont know the signifigance of 13 your not a juggalo either :D)

A lot is two words, mister. And thirteen doesn't have a significance to only Juggalos, the Slash Gash Terror Crew finds a meaning in the number 13.

Juggalos rnt bad.. Yall r retarded.. If u listen to the music and if u learn wht theyre saying u can learn some pretty cool shit.. Juggalos r me and my familys life.. My mom doesnt like then bcuz of the lyrics of ICP and Twitid but everyone else agrees that they r family.

FreezeeMonsta 19

So..are you telling me if i listen i can learn how magnets work?

No im saying if u listen u can learn the kind of shit we go through. We're family.. Not just a label

OsirisFaction_fml 5

Emancipate yourself and get out while you can.

lolatyofail 0

Well shit son I'm a juggalo but I can see how that could get awkward with ur parents

vannaxo 0

Actually, #101, FYI it is a way of life. Read up? Some people believe in the clown upstairs, believe it or not. I personally don't.