By Anonymous - 31/01/2012 17:31 - United States

Today, my nine year old stepson overheard me telling my husband that I was almost out of my favorite shampoo, and since it was discontinued, I couldn't buy any more. He got in the shower and happily emptied the bottles down the drain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 084
You deserved it 5 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Okay I am going to play devils advocate. Maybe he heard discontinued and mistakenly thought that met something along the lines of recall. Maybe he thought he was helping you. Kids often get in trouble when they think they are doing good. Just look at your relationship and that should tell you. If so forgive him. If relationship is bad then see your husband punishes accordingly for disrespecting you and your property. Unless he lives with you full time stay out of the direct discipline. If he lives with you full time you should punishment.

Stop being a bitchy step mom and he wouldn't do that!

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Have something he loves mysteriously get damaged or disappear and say nothing. The door swings both ways.

juneashleighb 0

Depending on how long he's been your step-son, it's hard to get used to someone new in the house, my dad dated someone for over 2years and i still had trouble with the fact my parents were divorced when I was so young.

mintstashinurtea 5

he was helping you get the **** over it

Clamcreepy 7

You should've go in his room and empty his room

kill it with fire!! Jokes for my downvotes

codplayer2442 1

You had it coming you kind of ruined his life

bizarre_ftw 21

What a little brat, take away his toys and give him a time out

06rubiandrea_fml 5

he is just a don't know how OP is with him,don't be so severe!