By Jensa - 16/01/2015 21:59 - United Kingdom - Buckingham

Today, my mother kindly brought me some soup as was recovering from having my tonsils out. Spicy Mexican bean soup. Yep, very spicy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 961
You deserved it 2 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Kill them with kindness" is probably her moto

Yeesh you have my sympathies. I had my tonsils removed when I was pretty young and I very stupidly tried to eat 1. Biscuits and 2. Tortilla chips at some point... I recommend you try neither


"Kill them with kindness" is probably her moto

The double whammy... That's probably gonna hurt just as much comin out your other end. I'm sorry :-(

If OP is anything like me, then spicy soup is something that helps sore throats. Don't ask me how it works, idk either. But spicy soup after surgery was a bad choice. Especially since they burn the tonsils off as one of the forms of removal these days. Mom probably didn't listen to doctor's words.

Yeesh you have my sympathies. I had my tonsils removed when I was pretty young and I very stupidly tried to eat 1. Biscuits and 2. Tortilla chips at some point... I recommend you try neither

Welp... I haven't had my tonsils removed but I did have a roommate who made me kimchi ramen the night I got my lip pierced. I don't recommend that either. Ice pops might help soothe your throat. Recover quickly.

I got my tonsils out when I was really young too, I just remember eating a lot of ice cream and stuff like that

That's going to be one hell of a bathroom trip.

Who cares about the bathroom trip? I'd be more concerned about the scarred throat tissue being lit on fire by spicy food, first off. I need my tonsils out too, on another note. Been sick with tonsillitis on and off since April.

Well on the bright side, although it might sting a bit, you have mexican bean soup. :D

Sore mouth and ring sting. Great combo.

One would hope you could have smelled the spicy soup and made a judgement that capsaicin on fresh wounds isn't good... ...but since this is an fml we'll say lessons learned, and maybe your mother will get something more mild/sensible like chicken noodle or vegetable for your next meal...

badluckalex 23

Lol! Poor you! That sounds like what my would do ;)